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914 Gearbox Horrors

Where to start....  I had two complete boxes, one very battered one from my car - tired indeed form its days as a six-powered track car.  Another from Joe, replaced rather than rebuilt when the second gear synchros got tired.  I also had another gearset from Rob's rebuilt box that died shortly thereafter when a bearing failed.  It had some very good parts.

Here's what happened when Rob's bearing failed.

The intermediate plate is damaged too, and his mainshaft bearing was broken, just like mine was.

My pinion shaft bearing wasn't in the best of shape either.  One of the balls.

What happened here?  That's from the unused tailshift linkage.

Look closely at the web between the bearing bores.  I may have done that tapping the bearing housing out of a cold plate.  Or not.   Heat first please!

This I did not do.  Something came apart at some point.  The plate is banged up in a few places...

And was re-installed with no shims but plenty of silicone!  This is already mostly clean.

Finally, the real problem in most gearoxes.  Worn synchros and dog teeth.